13 August 2012

jimmy and sook: a weekend getaway

did you know that a male blue crab is called a "jimmy" and a mature female crab who has mated is called a "sook"? you learn these things when you live close to the east coast {and when you go into a t-shirt shop and strike up a conversation with a shop keeper}. 
bay bridge
enjoying an open house for a place we'll never buy
those cute regatta sailors wore matching rugby shirts. our boys are so going to sailing camp next year!
our little car rode a ferry

closer to our price range
who knew?

sunset. bay. Mister. perfect.

the Mister and i made it to 17 years. to celebrate we got out of town for the weekend to a little place by the bay. o, dear me i adore being near the water. and i adore the Mister who keeps me laughing and fighting and dreaming. and what i am dreaming of now is a little place by the water. hmmm...
what'da ya say, honey. should we go for 17 more?


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