05 January 2012

A letter to myself 20 years ago a.k.a.Your life can change in 5 minutes

Are you siting down? Okay. Here goes. 

Dear Future Girl Friday,

You are going to fall in love and marry someone you went to high school with. No not the football player. The intellectual from a crazy family. Yeah. He'll totally get you.

Your wedding vows will be tested when you come down with cancer. He doesn't mind the scars. You can live without a thyroid.

You will work to put him through Vanderbilt Divinity school.

After a short stint teaching kindergarten, you will take an early retirement where you will go on to give birth to 4 boys. Relax. They come every 2 years.

You will move to the inner city.

You will like it. A lot.

You will homeschool. Four boys.

You will have a love/hate relationship with homeschooling. Mostly love, but hate is definitely there too.

You will allow your oldest child to adopt a rabbit.

Those cute jeans will get too tight to wear. (Remember you were pregnant 4 times).

All that smiling (and sunbathing) will begin to show on your face.

Go with it.

You will encourage your husband to quit his job. That won't go so well.

Your family will take off on a wild, Mid-Atlantic field trip that lasts 3 years and counting.

You will have a love/hate relationship with your new home state. Mostly love, but hate is definitely there too.

A dog will find his way into your home. And you will like it. A lot.

You will wax, you will wane, you will whine. Then...

You will rediscover writing. And you will like it. A lot.

the Present Girl Friday

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