17 January 2012

Slack is the new resourceful

It was a busy, beautiful weekend. No time for trivial things like a trip to the market. I was too busy eating other people's food to notice our cupboards were bare. So on Monday I woke to a somewhat empty refrigerator save for the orange-ginger-apple-carrot pulp from our last juicing. No eggs. No milk. Both get delivered on Mondays, and I, girl friday, refuse to make a run to the supermarket for two things that will most certainly show up on my doorstep. However, the boys cannot fast from breakfast with the help of a caffeinated-hot-cup-of-something like yours truly so I was on the hunt for how to make something healthy and delicious before the first cock crowed or in our house, the first monkey began to holler. A culinary challenge was ahead. And I would accept the challenge. Fortunately I had some of those powder eggs from my "vegan days". I took this recipe from the Red Apron Organic site and tweaked it. Of course, a few chocolate chips were thrown in for good measure-a sure thing in the girl friday household. And just like that, we discovered that being a slackard resourcefulness can prove not only cost effective, but delicious. Here's hoping your day is equally satisfying.xo

Even better: boys doing math whilst eating said bread. I'd say it was a win-win kind of breakfast.

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