13 April 2012

magnum opus

where i most love to read: bed

one of the things i savor most is reading to my children. i do not take it lightly. it is not something we do if there is time. in my opinion nothing is more important than reading really great literature to little {and big} people. 

much like many see a stay-at-home mom, some may over look the significance of a good read saying, "science, math, history: that is where we should focus our attention." meanwhile the quiet classic novel sits unassuming on the shelf chocked full of science, math, history not to mention rich vocabulary. my boys have learned more from robinson crusoe and rudyard kipling than macmillan or holt mcdougal.

an inspiring novel written with passion and talent carries a child a long way-down the lane of childhood and into the alley of their adult life. the hobbit, watership down,lord of the rings and tarzan are what carried my Mister through his tumultuous childhood and still linger in his life today. they are the reason he sets time aside to read to our boys every night.

the 5 year old and i have been reading charlotte's web. it's my fourth time reading it {as an adult}. every time i read this lovely novel, there is something that resonants. the heroism of a common spider. the reluctance of the rat. the luck of a pig. i see myself in all of these characters. yesterday it was when charlotte created her huge egg sac and told wilbur it was her magnum opus. if you speak latin or have read charlotte's web, you know that magnum opus means "great work". charlotte spoke the words of many mothers when she said, "i have a feeling i'm not going to see the results of last night's efforts {she had just laid 514 spider eggs}.i think i am languishing to tell you the truth." i know what languishing feels like, what about you? a mother may never see the results of her efforts, but that doesn't stop her from giving it her all-or die trying. an unassuming stay-at-home mother who sits quietly in her chair reading powerful tales to her children is making a remarkable difference. she is sharing a magnum opus with her magnum opus.

i hope this lovely weekend provides time for you {and me}to sit and read. xo

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