25 December 2012

day 12: twenty

{day 12: this concludes my 12 days of christmas writing. this one is a muse to the one i love most.}

we are hopeless him and me. up a creek without a paddle in rough waters. reckless, impetuous. selfish. and that's on a good day.

on december 26, 1992 i kissed the last guy i'll ever kiss{unless he dies and then all bets are off}. twenty years of figuring out how to navigate these tricky waters. wouldn't it be great if we had it figured out? but where's the adventure in that. 

this time of year, when we first fell in love on that fateful december eve-two years later almost to the day, he asked me to marry him by asking leigh ann to wrap him in a box. christmas means more to me every year. maybe it's because pretty soon i will have lived more of my life with him than i have without him. maybe it's because he continues to woo me with his kindness and steadfast sensibilities-his dishwashing skills aren't too shabby either. i have said it before and will say it again, monogamy is sexy great. and i have been enjoying this man's sexy greatness for 20 years. happy christmas to me! meeeow.

{this concludes my 12 days of christmas writings. sure hope you found the pieces amusing. now excuse me while i duck out for a bit. see you in the new year. Hugs-SMACK-}


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