25 January 2013

missing IN action

board meeting

hello, girl friday here-the lazy, irresponsible blogger. but if you could be a fly on the wall of my mind's eye, you might have called a week hiatus too. life has not stopped for one second even if my writing has. and truth be told i have about sixty stories percolating, but where o, where did i leave my secretary? the one who can jot down in shorthand my thoughts as i speak them-then translate them since i do not speak shorthand. o, goodness. i am reeling. i hope you can keep up. please try.

b)a working lunch. see my notes?

c)research and development
i've been missing in action. a week ago, i boarded a plane for a VERY quick jaunt over to tennessee for business. so quick i forgot to let some important people know i was coming. oopsie. i love you. please forgive. it was quick and for business.yep. we're calling it a business trip. you see i had to see a few people. for business. we called some meetings. sat for some strategy planning sessions. and then before i blinked three times, i was back in the arms of my wild ass monkeys and their ever darling father. i am such a lucky girl. and speaking of lucky, my besties took me shopping at lu lu lemon. still not sure if their gift card was a gift or a flippin' wake up call. standing in a dressing room under the neon lights whilst DARLING{young, toned} store clerks pass over too revealing workout wear that reminds you that perhaps adding a few cardio classes MAY not be such a bad idea. just down more ibuprofen and forget about it. goodness. and it didn't help that i was wined and dined at all my fav places from barista parlor to puffy muffin. wowsa. where is the number to that plastic surgeon? haha kidding. hell, no i am not.
d)working through logistics

e)the cutest alarm clocks

f)field development

g)and across a few states a similar thing was happening

and whilst i was away, those wild ass monkeys quickly changed MY cottage on the hill to a fraternity house. we'll call their weekend, "keepin' up with the joneses". 
h)member breakfast
i) oversight committee
on friday, the Mister asked our 9 year old, "if you could have any of your friends come for the weekend, who would it be?" without skipping a beat, he answered, "asher jones". and at 11:30pm he saw his bff at the door. i am told they were up til 3.30 am doing all kinds of crazy boy stuff. 
j)meeting adjourned
so here you have it. life is good. and full. and i am still hanging on for dear life. missing, but still in action. hope your weekend is full of love. ours is full of snow which means we're hunkering down with mugs of yummy hot goodness, a blazing fire and books glorious books.

your still relevant,

1 comment:

Maggie said...

So great to see you last Friday!!!!